

Information held on this website is intended for your general information and as such should only be treated as a guide. Drop of Compassion has used all reasonable endeavours to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this website. It cannot give any representations, assurances, undertakings or warranties about the accuracy, correctness or fitness for purpose regarding the site or any website referred to by it (“third party site”).



Drop of Compassion does not approve or endorse any information contained on any third-party site and accepts no responsibility for this information or its content. Drop of Compassion therefore accepts no liability in connection with any information held on a third-party site.



The contents of this website are the copyright of Drop of Compassion. Commercial use or publication of all or any item displayed is strictly prohibited without prior authorisation from Drop of Compassion. You should seek appropriate professional advice before taking any action based on any information held on this site.


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However, some documents, video footage and photos have been published on this site with the permission of the relevant copyright owners (who are not Drop of Compassion). All rights are reserved on these documents and permission to copy them must be requested from the copyright owners (the sources are indicated within these documents/photographs).


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You are not allowed to copy and distribute its content in any way without the prior consent of the council. You should seek appropriate professional advice before taking any action based on any information held on this site.



All videos on our website and YouTube channel are the property of Drop of Compassion and for our use only. Any use of our video footage and editing by any third parties is strictly prohibited and could constitute a criminal offence. Please seek prior permission before attempting to copy and distribute its content.