Malawi Education Scholarship

Your Donation

£1200: Just £1200 will Help sponsor one student for One Year!

Our Impact

So far we have helped 100s of students with free scholarships
The scholarships are for people in Malawi, but students can be based in Malawi as well as abroad
Studying Medicine, Bio Medical Sciences, Agriculture, Business and Public Health

Malawi has 1 doctor for every 100,000 people, the lowest figure for any country covered by the UN’s Human Development report.

(UNICEF, WHO 2009)(Source: The College of Medicine of Malawi Feb 15 2007)

Scholarship program

We are currently working on a scholarship program for students to go to Medical School to become doctors or health specialists. This will help alleviate the shortage of medical doctors in Malawi and will also directly assist in our commitment to developing the healthcare sector.

 If costs are manageable then would could perhaps have a program to sponsor, for example one student scholarship to completion every year. If we take a minimum scholarship of one doctor a year. After 16 years we would have produced 10 doctors and every subsequent year one doctor thereby relieving the burden on other doctors.

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